Saturday, October 17, 2009

Honey Crisp Apples

I love honey crisp apples, when I saw they had them at the local food lion I gladly paid the $2.74/pound price tag they held. My husband may not appreciate the noise I make while greedily eating them, but oh well!

Friday, October 16, 2009

10 years ago

So tonight while I was painting my daughters walls where my sons had colored and just made a plain mess out of I was thinking about 10 years ago. Before kids, before husband, before even a cat of my own! 10 years ago I was living in Pensacola Fl hanging out with people 7 years older than me, who would like their hands and then rub them on the back of mine so I too could drink on the beach. Who'd have thought durring all of those hurricanes and fantasic bushwackers I would find myself a practically sober woman painting walls the most boring color white on the planet?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

GWTW-my go to sick book

I have a sick book, when I get sick I turn to my meds, but I also pick up a copy of Gone With The Wind. I have read the book over 20 times and keep hoping for the ending to change. One of these times the nyquil is going to kick in at the wrong time and the handsome Rhett will stay with the beautiful Scarlett. There are other books I will read and re-read several times hoping for a different ending, am I the only one who does this?